Psychosis Psychogenic

“Psychogenic psychosis is a mental disorder that occurs as a result of exposure to certain factors. According to the definition given in ICD-11, psychogenic psychosis is “a psychotic disorder caused by psychological stress factors.” This disorder refers to mental illnesses that are associated with mental or emotional stress.Characteristic signs of psychogenic psychosis include disturbances in thinking and perception, hallucinations, affective disorders, delusions or personality disorder. Less commonly, symptoms may include seizures or catatonic behavior.

Psychosis is a psychogenic disorder characterized by fairly acute manifestations and can last from several days to a year. The main task of treating psychosis, primarily for psychotherapists and psychoanalysts, is to help the patient understand the nature of mental disorders and learn to solve the problems that led to mental health problems. During treatment, the therapist helps him analyze, visualize and express his feelings about such problems and find ways to cope with them. This therapy allows the patient to gain new methods of coping with stressful situations, which returns him to a state of normal mental functioning.