Psychosis Schizophrenia-like

Schizophrenic-type psychosis is a condition that can occur in people with various mental illnesses. In this article we will look at the main symptoms and causes that can lead to this condition.

Symptoms of schizophrenic psychosis. Initially, symptoms may include delusions and hallucinations.

Title: Psychosis similar to schizophrenia: how to recognize it and what to do

Psychosis, similar to schizophrenia, is a mental disorder that can affect up to several percent of the population at any time in life. It manifests itself in the form of disturbances in perception, behavior and thinking, which can lead to severe emotional and physical consequences. In this article we will look at the symptoms of this disease, and also talk about treatment and prevention methods.

Symptoms of schizophrenia The main symptom of schizophrenia is thinking disorders. The disease can manifest itself in various ways: from simple delusions to hallucinations. Below are some of the most common symptoms of schizophrenia:

1. Delusion: Delusion is a form of acute thinking that has no logical basis and does not correspond to reality. Patients may believe that they are other people or animals, or

Like any other mental disorder, schizophrenia-type psychosis can cause significant damage to a person's physical and emotional health. Here are a few reasons why it is important to recognize this condition early and take steps to treat it:

Symptoms of schizophrenia-like psychosis may include delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thinking, and frequent mood swings. All of these symptoms can affect a person's ability to effectively perform their responsibilities in daily life.

If a person does not receive timely treatment, this can lead to the development of symptoms such as: - Feeling deceived (not trusting your feelings); - Sudden mood changes; - Loss of interest in activities that previously brought pleasure; - Lack of motivation; - Suicidal thoughts; - Impaired communication, isolation from reality, suspicion, irritability, apathy, depression; - Increased aggression. Symptoms of schizophrenia psychosis are dangerous, as they can lead to violence against other people and even to one’s own death. If these symptoms develop, the patient should receive professional help.