Psoriasis Papillomatous

Papillomatous psoriasis is a type of psoriasis in which multiple papillomatous rashes form on the skin.

Papillomatous rashes are compacted pink or red plaques with an uneven surface. They resemble cauliflower or broccoli. Such rashes often cover large areas of skin, mainly on the extensor surfaces of the limbs, torso, and scalp.

The causes of papillomatous psoriasis are not fully understood. It is believed that it develops against the background of ordinary psoriasis with a long course of the disease, and can also be provoked by taking certain medications, stress, hypothermia and other factors.

To treat papillomatous psoriasis, external preparations are used - ointments and creams based on glucocorticoids, vitamin D, salicylic acid, as well as systemic preparations and phototherapy. In severe cases, cytostatics are prescribed.

Thus, papillomatous psoriasis is a severe form of psoriasis that requires complex treatment under the supervision of a dermatologist. Timely therapy allows you to achieve stable remission of the disease.