Psychology Aviation

Aviation psychology is a branch of psychology that studies the characteristics of human mental activity during flight conditions. She develops practical recommendations for the selection, examination, training of flight crews and the prevention of flight accidents.

In aviation, as in any other profession, human mental activity plays an important role. The flight crew must not only be physically prepared to perform their tasks, but also have psychological stability and readiness to work in extreme conditions.

One of the main aspects of aviation psychology is the selection of candidates for work in aviation. When selecting candidates, not only their physical data, but also their psychological characteristics are taken into account. This allows you to select the most suitable candidates for aviation jobs.

Aviation psychology also develops practical recommendations for training flight crews. Training should be aimed at developing pilots' skills to work in extreme conditions, as well as increasing their psychological resilience.

In addition, aviation psychology develops recommendations for the prevention of flight accidents. This could include providing stress management training, improving pilot work and rest conditions, and developing programs to mentally prepare flight crews for challenging missions.

Thus, aviation psychology plays an important role in ensuring flight safety. It helps select the most suitable job candidates, develop effective training and accident prevention programs, and improve working and resting conditions for flight crews.

Aviation psychology (aviation psychology) is a branch of psychology that studies the characteristics of human mental activity during flight and develops practical recommendations for selection, training and accident prevention in aviation. Aviation psychology is closely related to aviation medicine, which studies the physiological and medical aspects of flight.

Aviation psychology has its own characteristics, which are related to the fact that flight is an extreme situation that requires a person to be highly concentrated and quick to react. Aviation uses special methods for selecting and training flight personnel that take into account the psychological characteristics of a person. For example, for test pilots it is important to have good reactions and resistance to stress, and for commercial airline pilots it is important to work in a team and make quick decisions.

One of the tasks of aviation psychology is the development of training methods for flight personnel. These methods must take into account not only the technical aspects of flight, but also the psychological characteristics of a person in order to ensure flight safety and prevent possible accidents.

Another important task of aviation psychology is the prevention of flight accidents. For this, various methods are used, such as psychological testing of flight crews before a flight, training pilots in methods of dealing with stress, and others.

In general, aviation psychology plays an important role in ensuring flight safety and improving the quality of work of aviation personnel. It helps develop methods for selecting, preparing and training flight personnel, as well as developing methods for preventing flight accidents.