Psychosis Affective Monopolar

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Affective monopoly psychosis (AMP) is a rare form of psychosis that is characterized by disturbances in the emotional state of the subject. The patient's mood, self-confidence, and complacency quickly and strongly increase (mania and hypomania), and then a prolonged intense fear, anxiety or horror arises (fear and phobias). Most often, the patient experiences unreasonable fear (anxious AMP) or anxiety associated with certain circumstances (obsessive-compulsive form). Patients experience hallucinations, illusions and delusions. The patient loses the ability to recognize hallucinatory experiences, but clearly feels them. In case of anxiety, pathological sensations acquire the property of duality, and a person can hear two simultaneously contradictory voices. This type of psychosis is sometimes called paranoid emotional action.

Psychosis of affective unipolar disorders

**Affective unipolar disorders** are a group of mental disorders characterized by a constant high and decreased emotional reaction to the environment, often accompanied by asterization of affect. As a result of this condition, a person often lives in captivity of his experiences and is extremely dependent on his mood. Monopolarization of the emotional sphere refers to post-educational mental disorders of childhood and adolescence, which constitute disturbances in the emotional-volitional sphere under the influence of educational defects. In unipolar states, there is a predominance of experiencing a certain affective state compared to others. In this case, alarmopolar ones can be distinguished, i.e. anxiety-suppressed disorders, states of panic, fear, dysphoria, aggressive and euphoric disorders. They are distinguished by dominant affect: adipopolar and hypopolar depression or states of hyperthymia. This approach primarily reflects patient complaints and, most importantly, has a significant impact on assessing the effectiveness of treatment measures and disease outcomes.