Psychosis Alcoholic

Alcoholic psychosis is a mental disorder caused by alcohol abuse. This is a serious disease that can lead to serious consequences, including death. In this article we will look at the signs and symptoms of alcoholic psychosis, its causes and treatment.

Signs and symptoms

Alcohol psychosis can manifest itself in the form of various symptoms, such as seizures, hallucinations, disorientation and loss of consciousness. Most common symptoms:

1. Cramps: These are involuntary muscle contractions that can be caused by alcohol. Cramps can be mild or severe and can affect different parts of the body. In a severe case of seizures, a person may lose consciousness. 2. Hallucinations: This is the feeling of the presence of something outside the environment. The person will experience hallucinations from sounds, smells, or images. They can be bright and realistic, or, on the contrary, strange and fantastic. 3. Disorientation: a person loses orientation in space and time, as well as where he is and what is happening around him. He may describe hallucinatory events that did not happen. 4. Delusion: when alcohol activates the brain function that is responsible for the perception and processing of information, the person cannot distinguish between reality and fictional images. As a result, a person may have the illusion that someone else is controlling his behavior, or that he himself is someone else. 5. Loss of consciousness: with very severe alcohol poisoning, breathing may stop, causing the person to lose consciousness. There may also be an abnormal heart rate that is difficult to control. 6. Coma: In very severe cases, alcohol poisoning can develop into a coma, which poses a serious threat to a person's life. 7. Nystagmus: rapid eye movements, noticeable

Alcohol addiction is a serious problem that can lead to a number of negative consequences for a person’s health and life. In this material we will look at a type of psychosis such as alcoholic psychosis, which can develop in people who abuse alcohol.

Alcohol psychosis is a dangerous and serious disease that can occur when drinking large doses of alcohol. All over the world, people suffer from alcoholic psychosis, which can develop into complete psychosis or even death. Alcoholic psychoses are closely related to alcohol dependence, and without treatment, they can lead to serious consequences for the patient's health.

Symptoms of alcoholic psychosis:

* Nightmares: Sometimes alcoholic psychosis can manifest itself in the form of nightmares, which are accompanied by inexplicable fears, hallucinations and panic. Patients may experience feelings of fear, horror, powerlessness and even panic, which leads to disorientation in space and time. * Delusions: One of the most common symptoms of alcoholic psychosis is delusions, where a person thinks that he is somewhere else and doing other things. Delusions also include feelings of threat and danger, as well as the belief that other thinkers control one's actions. * Amnesia: One of the common manifestations of alcoholic psychosis is amnesia, which is associated with damage to the brain structure and memory impairment. This can lead to loss of memories of recent events and the period before psychosis.

Treatment for alcohol psychosis depends on the cause and severity of the disease. A combination of medication and psychotherapy is usually used to alleviate symptoms and reduce the risk of relapse.

Psychoses are special disorders in the functioning of the brain; they can be distinguished by their form, strength of manifestation and time of formation. Alcoholic psychosis occurs as a result of prolonged alcohol consumption.

Alcoholic delusion is a prolonged hallucination. A person begins to experience such a state not because of his own desire, but under the influence of ethyl alcohol. Alcohol stimulates the brain and can trigger delirium. In this case, the patient experiences a whole series of hallucinatory symptoms that have real outlines and their own history. Causes of delirium: