Psychosis Preeclamptic

(from Greek psyche - soul, pneuou - breath, “spiritual breath”)

Psychosis of preeclampsia is a persistent increase in the process of excitation of cortical cells, accompanied by a distortion of their functions, with the development of psychoses and local brain disorders.

Preeclampsia is a group of diseases characterized by high levels of plasma renin and increased secretion of aldosterone. Preeclampsia is most common among pregnant women, in whom it is about 14% of all pregnancies and 3% of the first pregnancy. In some countries this figure reaches 25%. Most often, preeclampsia is recorded during the second half of pregnancy and the postpartum period. The pathogenesis of preeclamperia is associated with a complex relationship between blood rheology against the background of persistently low blood pressure - pathological blood flow and renal ischemia. Considering these two factors, it can be argued that the onset of the development of preeclampsia is ischemic damage