Orderly, Nurse (French Sanitaire, From Latin Sanitarius Promoting Health)

Orderly, nurse (French sanitaire, from Latin sanitarius promoting health)

A nurse and a nurse are medical workers who perform duties of cleaning premises and providing assistance to nursing staff in medical and preventive or sanitary institutions. They do not have special medical training, but play an important role in maintaining cleanliness and hygiene in medical institutions.

The history of the profession of orderlies and nurses began in the 19th century, when a connection was discovered between hygiene and the spread of infectious diseases. At that time, the main activity of orderlies was cleaning hospitals and clinics. However, over time, their roles have expanded, and today nurses perform a wide range of tasks related to ensuring the health and safety of patients and staff in health care facilities.

Orderlies and aides are junior medical personnel and work closely with other health care workers, including nurses, doctors and administrative staff. They help control the spread of infections and ensure that healthcare facilities remain clean and safe for everyone in them.

One of the main tasks of orderlies is cleaning the premises. They must ensure that all surfaces are clean and disinfected and that waste is collected and disposed of according to health standards. It is important that patient areas are particularly clean to reduce the risk of infection.

In addition, orderlies can assist nursing staff in organizing and maintaining order in the wards and in other parts of medical institutions. They may assist with transporting patients and providing necessary supplies and equipment for medical procedures.

Nurses and aides play an important role in maintaining the safety and cleanliness of healthcare facilities. Without them, the efficiency of medical personnel would be reduced, and the risk of infecting patients and spreading infections would be higher. Despite the fact that orderlies do not have special medical education, their work is an important link in the healthcare system.

A nurse or nurse is a medical professional who does not have special education and performs auxiliary functions inside hospitals or nursing homes. The responsibilities of an orderly include cleaning premises, ensuring cleanliness and comfort for patients, and assisting nursing staff, for example, in caring for the immobile or disabled.

The peculiarity of sanitary work is that many necessary things - bed sheets, disinfectants, bandages for dressings, solutions for disinfecting instruments and much more - have special properties and require certain knowledge to use. This makes the work of the orderly responsible, since the accuracy of implementation and compliance with hygienic procedures depends