Psychosyndrome Organic

Psychosyndromes of organic disorders

Psychosyndromes of organic disorders are a set of symptoms that is formed in response to the presence of deep structural lesions of the central nervous system (traumatic brain injury, hydrocephalus, tumors of the cortex and subcortical parts of the cerebral hemispheres, encephalitis, meningitis, etc.). Epileptic paroxysms, memory impairments are detected, thinking becomes slow and rough, personality traits change for a long time, and depressive reactions often occur. The following syndromes are distinguished: asthenic, cerebrostenopathic, psychoorganic type, psychopathic. Asthenic syndrome is manifested by weakness, headache, decreased performance, indifference, asthenia. Cerebroasthenic syndromes are divided into asthenic, dysphoric, astheno-dysphoric. Dysphoria is combined with various psychopathological symptoms; patients experience bad mood, character changes, and disinhibition of drives. The disease astheno-dysphoric syndrome is characterized by reduced performance, lethargy, but at the same time, in a good mood and without severe irritation, they are able to perform work. In psychoorganic syndrome, there is a deep decrease in intellectual-mnestic functions: comprehension of the content of tasks is impaired, criticality is reduced. B. D. Tsybulsky identified a clinical group manifested by dysplastic personality traits with an emotional connotation: excitability, aggressiveness. The authors believed that the clinical varieties of psychoorganic conditions represent only different forms of the clinical variant of the same syndrome. More correct is the classification of L. G. Gorodetsky, which distinguishes two groups of psycho-organic syndromes: psycho-behavioral deviations - apathy, irritability, selfishness, carelessness,

A psychosyndrome is a disorder of consciousness, mental activity, behavior, psychomotor skills and various mental functions as a result of prolonged disruption of the body’s vital functions or poisoning of the body with poisons.

Psychosyndrome affects not only young people, but also more mature ones who functioned relatively well in life, without any problems with alcohol or drugs. Common causes of the disorder (although many may also be associated with destructive substance use) include:

1. Dehydration. Many may not even realize that this applies to them too.