
**Polyarthritis** is a group of chronic inflammatory diseases of the joints, different in etiology and pathogenesis, mainly large (knee, ankle, elbow, shoulder and hip), manifested by a diffuse proliferative and regressive course without a visible acute phase. The phenomenon of joint inflammation is caused in most cases by microbes. There are also reactive and infectious arthritis, syphilitic and tuberculous

Polyarthritis (from the Greek "poly" - "many" and "arthron" - "joint") is called an extensive symptom complex that is not an independent disease.

The term became widespread among doctors after 1885, after the Danish scientist Christian Dinesen created a special test and Ernst Finkelbaum discovered a common biochemical substrate for gouty polyarthritis, systemic scleroderma, Reiter's syndrome and other diseases.

Polyarthritis mainly occurs in people aged 30 to 50 years. Some authors suggest a connection with infections, as there has been a sharp increase in incidence in African and Asian countries during outbreaks of influenza and encephalitis epidemics.

Chronic polyarthritis is accompanied by an inflammatory reaction affecting the joints. In the first stages of the disease, it is relatively weak, the patient does not notice it. Signs of difficulty moving joints appear later. Muscle and skin symmetry may be maintained. There are also options when symmetry is broken. Inflamed joints are most often cold to the touch, and palpation is painful. Swelling of the joint is a constant sign, but in some forms of inflammation, the joint soft tissues can be fused with the surrounding tissues, tendons, and bones. This complication can be identified by changes in the shape of the joint, limitation of its function, and difficulties with moving the limb in many directions.

During the examination, the doctor uses a variety of techniques, including visually assessing muscle function, tone, movement, and symmetry. Determines damage to joints, heart valves, ischial tuberosities, and scars on the skin. Local swelling of the joint with redness of the skin over it, irritation, curvature, and limitation of movements is observed. In the edema mode, an increase in skin temperature is observed when tapping. U