
Why you shouldn't greet: what benefit does not greeting bring?

Each of us has our own rituals of communication and meetings, which we do out of habit. A habit is just a reaction to the behavior pattern of our society. Society has come up with many greeting poses, gestures and words so that we can learn to do them for greeting, but usually they are not at all necessary.

- A welcoming word does not give you anything, but if you remove it, then nothing in your life will change. You will also communicate well with people and have good relationships. Or even improve them if you stop using standard greeting forms. You don't have to say hello to people at all. This doesn't affect them in any way. - With a greeting you show your lack of confidence in yourself and in the people around you. The more a person shows uncertainty and fear, the more it grips people around. Therefore, if you want people to respect themselves, respect them first - If you do not raise your hand when greeting, then people will look at your unnatural appearance, and may think that your face is not very clean, or that you are afraid of other people. And if he reaches out his hand, it means you have something to be afraid of. Means