Physical Signs of Degeneration

Physical signs of degeneration (Definition, types, history)

Physical signs of degeneration are signs that indicate that a person has genetic abnormalities or diseases associated with his physical characteristics. This article describes the main physical signs of degeneration and the history of their study in humanity.

***Definition:*** Degeneration is any change or deviation from the normal condition that occurs as a result of genetic defects or diseases at the genetic level. These signs can appear both in early childhood and in adulthood. Some of them may be visible and easy to notice, while others may be subtle and require special analysis.

**Types of physical signs of degeneration** There are many physical signs, but the most common are:

- **Various forms of dystrophy** - this type of degeneration is characterized by poor nutrition, which leads to retarded physical development. In this case, weakness, dryness and weight loss are observed. - **Connective tissue dysplasia** – with this disease, abnormal development of connective tissues such as bones, joints, skin and hair occurs. For example, the condition may appear as "snake hands" or when a person develops dry, brittle hair. - **Growth disturbance** - with this disease, growth slows down, and there is also a lack of limbs. Growth failure can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetic defects or certain medications. - “Pinch tongue” - This is a hereditary disease that is characterized by narrow lips, elongated corners of the mouth and clenched teeth. - **"Cleft pits" or bald spots" is a congenital defect of the scalp in the form of a scar or a receding hairline.** This anomaly is a consequence of traumatic brain injury. - **"Bald pit" is a specific deformation of the skull due to serious damage to the cranial vault, leading to to visual impairment.** Ophthalmic disorders are called neurofibromatosis type I, associated with the absence of suture elements.