Open Door System

Open door system

Every person who ends up in a psychiatric hospital gets there with certain restrictions: he is not allowed out on his own, he is forced to stay in separate rooms, etc. This is due to the fact that mental illnesses pose a threat to others, and in order to prevent their rash actions, patients are forced to be confined to certain places. Thus, they remain completely isolated from society, and few people see the point of such hospitalization. However, this is not entirely true, because most often, such people receive so much attention and care that they do not need such harsh conditions. Moreover, their

The open door system is a strategy that has become popular in recent times and has been defined as “a method of mental health treatment in which the mentally ill are given a significant level of freedom to move around a hospital ward and even throughout a hospital or outpatient clinic.” It has been around for over two decades and was proposed by members of Mental Health America

Introduction The Open Door System is a system of holding mentally ill people in which freedom of movement is provided outside the hospital department, but within the territory of the entire medical institution. The main advantages of such a system are improving the quality of life of patients and helping to overcome the psychological trauma received from being in a psychiatric ward. It is an effective method that allows people to return to social life and normal functioning in society.

Benefits The main benefits of the open door system are: 1. Improved mental health 2. Providing freedom of movement 3. Reduced length of hospital stay 4. Higher patient satisfaction