
Puberty is the period of puberty, when the body begins to produce sex hormones and the function of the reproductive organs is activated. In both sexes, puberty is characterized by the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics. For example, boys' voices become deeper, while girls' breasts become enlarged and menstruation begins.

These changes arise as a result of the action of sex hormones in the body, which begin to be actively produced by the testes and ovaries under the influence of hormones secreted by the pituitary gland.

Sexual maturation begins between the ages of 10 and 16 years and lasts several years. It is part of the natural process of sexual development and marks the transition from childhood to adulthood.

See also: Androgen, Estrogen.

Pubertal - relating to the period of puberty.

Puberty or sexual maturation is the period when the body begins to produce sex hormones and the function of the reproductive organs begins to actively develop. In both sexes, puberty is characterized by the appearance of secondary symptoms.

In boys, for example, the voice becomes deeper, and in girls, the mammary glands enlarge and menstruation begins. These changes occur due to the action of sex hormones in the body. The testes and ovaries begin to actively produce hormones that are produced by the pituitary gland in the body.

Also, during puberty, both men and women begin to develop physical changes such as bone and muscle growth, weight gain, etc. This all happens so that the body is ready for reproduction.

In addition, during puberty, children begin to show interest in the opposite sex and begin to experience the first feelings of love and affection. This may cause them stress and anxiety, but this is normal and natural.

It is important to understand that puberty is an important stage in the life of every person, and it should take place under the supervision of parents and specialists. Parents must be prepared for changes in their children's behavior and help them adapt to new living conditions.

Puberty: The period of puberty

Puberty, also known as Sexual Development, is the period in which sex hormone production and reproductive function begin in the body. This condition is typical for both sexes, since there is an active development of reproductive mechanisms and secondary characteristics. These processes are the result of the interaction of hormones of both internal and external origin.

In men, for example, the voice changes due to high levels of testosterone in the blood, while in women, breast growth and the menstrual cycle begin, which is caused by estrogens. Puberty begins approximately between the ages of 8 and 15 years in men and between 8 and 2 years in women. During this period of time, hormones and the body enter a constant homeostasis necessary for future sexual activity and reproduction.

Due to various factors such as genetics, environment, diet and lifestyle, the timing of puberty may vary among individuals. However, in general, Puberty has a broad scientific basis and has attracted the attention of many researchers, especially those interested in human development.

One of the important aspects of Puberty is the level of hormones in the blood. During different periods of this process, the levels of certain hormones may change. For example, during puberty, a boy's testosterone levels peak for several years before levels begin to decline with age. The level of estrogen in the blood begins to gradually increase in a girl before the onset of puberty and continues to increase during the period of puberty.

The study of Puberty has provided scientists with valuable data on how diet and sleep patterns affect teens' hormone levels and health. One of the serious problems associated with this period in a person's life is hormonal imbalance, which can lead to various diseases such as acne, osteoporosis and painful menstruation. In addition, sexual socialization and behavioral regulation at a given time is key to understanding the psychological aspects of Sexual Competition, including sexual education and reactions to harmful products.