
This is puberty, which is an integral part of the process of human sexual development. In this article we will look at this process in more detail.

Puberty in humans begins in adolescence and is associated with the active activity of the endocrine glands. During this period, a profound restructuring of the body occurs, which includes increased body growth in length, the formation of secondary sexual characteristics and the appearance of puberty.

In girls, puberty begins earlier than in boys and is manifested in the appearance of menstruation. In boys, ejaculation may occur in the form of wet dreams. During this period, boys begin to grow hair on their face and body, the size of their Adam's apple increases, and their voice “breaks.” In girls, the contours of the body are rounded due to the deposition of fat in the subcutaneous tissue, the mammary glands become enlarged, and the pelvic bones become wider.

The beginning and end of puberty varies from person to person and depends on many factors, such as heredity, living conditions, health, etc. Certain unfavorable factors, such as poor nutrition or past illnesses, can cause delay or disharmony in physical and mental development.

During puberty, not only changes occur in the sexual sphere, but also changes in the mental sphere. Teenagers begin to recognize themselves as carriers of a certain gender and regulate their behavior in accordance with moral and ethical requirements and guidelines. Interest in the opposite sex is awakened, although it does not immediately acquire a specific sexual connotation, characteristic of the period of mature sexuality. Teenagers form a kind of relationship that can be defined as platonic love, colored by a romantically sublime feeling.

One of the characteristic features of physical development during puberty is growth in height. Girls' growth period ends earlier than boys'. For some teenagers, this period may be accompanied by health problems, such as acne, pimples, menstrual irregularities in girls and others.

In conclusion, puberty is an important stage in a person's life. It is associated not only with physical changes, but also with mental ones. Teenagers begin to understand themselves as sexual beings, develop their sexual consciousness and interests, and begin to interact with the opposite sex. This period can be challenging and a journey into uncharted territories, but it also represents an opportunity for growth and development. It is important to remember that each person is unique and that the process of puberty can vary from person to person. However, support from family, friends, teachers and health professionals will help you cope with this period.

Puberty is a process of change in the body of a child and adolescent, which is accompanied by the development of the genital organs, the formation of hormonal balance, as well as psychological and social development in accordance with gender. This process begins around 8-9 years of age in girls and