The bundle is Thin

The fasciculus fasciculus is a small anatomical structure in the human brain that plays an important role in the organization of the nervous system.

The fibers of the fasciculus are called Gaulle fibers, which comes from the name of the French physiologist Joseph Flemming Golgi (Jozef

The thin bundle, or neurovascular bundle of the pelvis, is a collection of nerves and vessels that is located in the pelvic cavity between the bladder and rectum. This bundle is one of the most important structures in the human body, as it is responsible for regulating blood circulation, urination and bowel movements.

The structure of the thin bundle includes: - Male (testicular) or female (uterine) branches; - Ischiopubic nerves; - Own vessels.

The male (testicular) and female (uterine) branches of the bundle are thick and supply the testicles and uterus with oxygen, glucose, hormones and other nutrients. The transfer of hormones from the testicles to the rest of the body is important for the development of male sexual characteristics, as well as for maintaining overall health.

The sciatic-ulnar nerves cross