Pula Symptom

Symptom is a medical term named after an American surgeon named Pool or also known as Schlesinger. This symptom is also known as Schlesinger-Poole or Schlesinger's sign.

Pula symptom refers to symptoms associated with damage to the nervous system and can be a manifestation of various pathological conditions. It is often observed in patients suffering from neurological diseases, including myasthenia gravis, myopathies and some other disorders.

A characteristic manifestation of the symptom pool is a deterioration in muscle strength when performing the same movement or activity repeatedly. For example, a patient may be able to perform a certain movement once, but when the movement is repeated over and over again, muscle strength decreases. This can lead to difficulty in everyday tasks that require repeated physical effort, such as lifting heavy objects or maintaining a certain posture.

The symptom pool is caused by a disruption in the transmission of nerve impulses in the muscles and is usually associated with defects in the neuromuscular junction. This may be caused by autoimmune processes, genetic mutations, or other factors that affect the functioning of the nervous system.

To diagnose a symptom pool, the physician performs a thorough clinical examination of the patient, including reviewing the patient's medical history and symptoms, as well as performing specialized neurological tests. Once a diagnosis is made, your doctor can prescribe appropriate treatment, which may include physical therapy, pharmacotherapy, or other interventions.

It is important to note that the symptom pool is not an independent disease, but rather one of the manifestations of the underlying neurological disorder. Therefore, effective treatment should be aimed at managing the underlying disease causing the symptom pool.

In conclusion, pooling symptom is a medical term that describes the deterioration of muscle strength when performing the same movement or activity over and over again. It is observed in patients with neurological diseases and is associated with impaired transmission of nerve impulses in the muscles. Diagnosis and treatment of a symptom pool require an integrated approach and individual selection of intervention methods depending on the underlying neurological disorder.

Pula symptom

A pula sign is a neurological symptom that indicates the presence of a brain tumor or subarachnoid hemorrhage. This clinical manifestation is associated with the presence of a focus of increased pressure in the brain or disruption of its activity against the background of increased intracranial pressure.

The pool symptom was first described in 1895 by James Poole, an American who worked at Hartford Hospital in Hartford, Connecticut. He was the first to coin the term “Pula symptom,” which is now the most commonly used name for this symptom.

In 1931, Hunt founded the Schlesinger Symptom. Assuming that any increasing intracranial hypertension results from the accumulation of blood within the arachnoid membrane anywhere, he explained the raising of the eyebrows, squinting and other visible physical