Tracheal Tugging

Tracheal Tugging is a symptom that may indicate the presence of an aortic arch aneurysm in a person. An aortic arch aneurysm is an expansion of the aortic wall in the area of ​​its bend, which can lead to rupture of the vessel wall and bleeding. Tracheal pulsation is one of the symptoms that may indicate the presence of an aortic arch aneurysm.

In the presence of an aortic arch aneurysm, blood passes through an expanded area of ​​the aortic wall, which leads to a change in pressure in the vessel. This, in turn, can lead to tracheal pulsation - the movement of the trachea in time with the heartbeat. If you place your finger on the midline at the base of the neck, you can feel the pulsation of the lower part of the trachea.

However, tracheal pulsation is not a specific symptom of aortic arch aneurysm and can be caused by other reasons, such as narrowing of the thyroid cartilage or the presence of a tumor in the chest area. Therefore, to accurately diagnose an aortic arch aneurysm, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination, including ultrasound, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.

If an aortic arch aneurysm is detected, treatment must be started immediately, as this condition can lead to serious consequences, including rupture of the aortic wall and bleeding. Treatment may include surgical removal of the aneurysm, as well as medication to control pressure in the blood vessels.

Thus, tracheal pulsation is a symptom that may indicate the presence of an aortic arch aneurysm in a person. However, to accurately diagnose and treat this condition, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination and begin treatment immediately to avoid serious consequences.

- with an increase in intrathoracic pressure, internal organs in the chest are pinched (abdominal tumors, ascites, intestinal obstruction), resulting in stretching of the muscular elements of the chest, increased heart rate in the carotid arteries;

- occurs in patients suffering