Puncture Suprapubic Trocar

Suprapubic trocar puncture is a procedure that is used to remove fluid or pus from the abdominal cavity. It is carried out using a special instrument - a trocar, which is inserted through the suprapubic region and allows fluid or pus to be removed from the abdominal cavity through a drainage tube.

The procedure begins with preparing the patient. The physician should ensure that the patient is in a supine position with knees bent and head slightly tilted. The doctor then inserts the trocar into the patient's suprapubic region through the skin and subcutaneous tissue. The trocar has a special needle that allows fluid or pus to be injected through it.

After the trocar is inserted, the doctor begins to remove fluid or pus. He may use various methods such as aspiration (removing fluid using a vacuum ***) or lavage (removing fluid by injecting a solution through a trocar).

Once the fluid or pus has been removed, the doctor may insert a drainage tube through the trocar. A drainage tube is a thin tube that remains in the abdominal cavity and allows fluid or pus to be removed later.

It is important to note that suprapubic trocar puncture is an invasive procedure and may cause some complications such as bleeding, infection, or internal organ damage. Therefore, the risks and benefits to the patient must be carefully assessed before undergoing this procedure.

Suprapubic troacachary puncture is performed for ascites, chronic catarrhal pneumonia, abscesses, trophic ulcers with purulent inflammation. The incision is made parallel to the linea alba. This method is indicated for bleeding resulting from blockage of the greater omentum, and only if the use of other methods is impossible. The technique is as follows: the surgical site is treated with an antiseptic. Then you should retreat about 2 centimeters of tissue in the groin area and draw a line parallel to the white line. Using a scalpel, the skin is cut and its edges are pulled back. The skin is cut like this