Pimples on hands photo

A rash on the hands in the form of pimples can be localized anywhere: hands, forearm, inner side or shoulders. The rash itself can have a different origin - it can be the impact of external irritants or the manifestation of a hidden pathology. A rash on the body in adults is very often caused by internal factors, in children - by viral infections.

Possible diseases

Every day, human hands come into contact with various objects. It’s good if these are clean household items that are subjected to temperature and chemical treatment during the care process. But what about public places where dirt, bacteria and germs wave a friendly hand at every corner? Of course, when in contact with dirty objects, the skin on the hands can be exposed to a wide variety of pathogens, resulting in an allergy - a rash on the hands in the form of pimples.

In some cases, rashes may appear due to the development of certain diseases. This is a rare case, but even it can cause allergies. Poor diet or stress are other reasons why small pimples may appear on your hands.


The very first and most common sign of an allergy is a rash on the hands in the form of small pimples. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to cure it completely - all that remains is to avoid contact with the irritant. If a rash appears, you should take an antihistamine. Often the source of such a reaction is household chemicals - washing powders and gels, dishwashing detergents, surface and bathroom cleaners. This type of allergy often affects people who, due to their professional activities, are exposed to chemicals. Hairdressers, cleaning service employees, etc. - these people are forced to work with toxic substances, which cause an allergic reaction. All that is needed in this case is to prevent further contact with irritants or use special protective equipment (gloves).

Allergies are not the only reason why a rash in the form of pimples may appear on the hands. Whether this place itches or not does not matter. It is important to pay attention to the nature of the rash, its location and quantity. In any case, you should consult a dermatologist to clarify and treat such a reaction.

Enterovirus infection

Small red or pale pink pimples, which are localized primarily on the hands, may be the first sign of the development of an acute infectious disease. Accompanied by fever, weakness and general malaise. Pimples are located relatively far away from each other and form small groups among themselves. Children most often suffer from enterovirus infection.

For treatment, it is necessary to stabilize the general condition - drink more fluids and take antipyretic drugs. There is no need to use ointments and creams for acne - the rashes will dry out and go away on their own.

Miliaria is a common occurrence in the hot season

Clothing often becomes an external irritant, which provokes small rashes on the hands and other parts of the body. We are talking about synthetic fabrics that are poorly breathable and prevent the skin from breathing. Increased sweating in the hot season irritates the skin, which leads to the formation of small pimples with purulent contents. As a rule, such rashes provoke itching and noticeable discomfort.

To get rid of the rash, you should choose clothes made from natural materials, keep them clean and hygienic, and use hypoallergenic laundry detergents.

Vesiculopustulosis or pemphigus

This is a skin disease, which can be caused by the development of pathogenic microorganisms. Small pimples with white contents can appear on the shoulders (herpes dermatitis), all over the body (purulent pimples), and on the palms (mycotic dermatitis). Only a dermatologist can determine the exact cause, based on the location of the formations and their nature.

With vesiculopustulosis, severe itching is observed. There are several other signs characteristic of this disease:

  1. Chronic in nature - pemphigus may disappear and appear again.
  2. Crust formation.

You cannot cure it on your own - the doctor prescribes medications and drying agents.

Coxsackie virus

This is a childhood infectious disease that is accompanied by fever, joint pain and aches. Nausea and vomiting may be present. Small pimples on the hands are very itchy, the skin in the area of ​​the rash can peel off, as if after a long stay in the sun.

Rash on hands in the form of small pimples photo
