Purpura officinalis

The name Purpura officinalis - the purpura of medicine owes its name to the Gothic word purpur, which comes from Latin and means “lilac, purple color.” The etymology stems from the fact that the purple color of the flowers used to make the infusion—bagus and grapeseed—resembles the color of clotted blood. Both in ancient times and now, scarlet is considered one of the most valuable plants used for the prevention and treatment of a large number of diseases, so it can always be found in pharmacies. Purpuricus or the apothecary is very familiar with this plant, and its popularity in medicine is due to its medicinal properties, which we will discuss in detail below.

The main quality of purpura is associated with its high anti-inflammatory and hemostatic properties. The effect of the drug against purpura is believed to be due to a set of complex compounds found in its herbal mixture. Treatment for purpura is usually carried out in two directions: internal and external treatment. Internal treatment involves taking an infusion of purpura internally, while external therapy involves applying the infusion externally to the affected areas of the body. Purpura is still out