Purpura Phenomenon

Purpura Phenomenon: A Mysterious Appearance on the Skin

The phenomenon of Purpura is an amazing phenomenon that manifests itself in the form of pinpoint hemorrhages in the surface layer of the skin when an element of the rash is scraped and around it. This phenomenon is also known as guttate parapsoriasis symptom. Although the Purpura phenomenon remains a mystery to many medical professionals, its research and understanding is becoming increasingly important.

Parapsoriasis is a chronic skin disease that is characterized by the appearance of a rash in the form of small spots or drops on the skin. In most patients with parapsoriasis, these rash elements do not cause any symptoms or discomfort. However, in some people suffering from this disease, purpura phenomenon may occur when the rash is scratched.

The exact causes of the Purpura phenomenon are still unknown. Some researchers suggest that this is due to changes in blood microcirculation in the superficial layer of the skin. It is possible that disturbances in the vascular system lead to increased vascular permeability and hemorrhage.

Another theory suggests that the Purpura phenomenon may be related to immune reactions in the body. It is possible that the systemic immune response causes inflammation around the rash element, which leads to capillary damage and hemorrhage.

Although the phenomenon of Purpura is rare and unusual, its study is of great importance. Understanding the mechanisms underlying this phenomenon may help develop new methods for diagnosing and treating parapsoriasis. It may also contribute to expanding our knowledge of microcirculation in the skin and the immune system.

There is currently no specific treatment for Purpura phenomenon. Treatment of parapsoriasis includes the use of topical medications, light therapy, and systemic medications, depending on the severity of symptoms. However, additional research is needed to develop targeted therapies aimed at eliminating the phenomenon of Purpura.

In conclusion, Purpura phenomenon is a mysterious phenomenon that appears as pinpoint hemorrhages when a rash element is scraped in and around it. Although the reasons for this phenomenon are still not fully understood, its study is of great importance for the development of new methods for diagnosing and treating parapsoriasis. Further research will help expand our understanding of this phenomenon and its relationship with the immune system and blood microcirculation in the skin.

Purple is a rare and mysterious phenomenon that occurs on the surface of the skin after minor injuries. At first glance, it looks like bright and colorful spots that can range in size from a few millimeters to several centimeters. However, what is actually happening beneath the surface of the skin, and how has this phenomenon been linked to a specific type of disease? Let's dive into the mysterious world of purple and learn more about a phenomenon that still has no clear explanation.

The first information about purple was described in 162 in the ancient book of the Chinese physician and scientist "Yenching-King". This doctor wrote that in the presence of diathesis, a very weak blood supply, some areas in the skin may turn red and form bright spots. This can last for a long time and does not require any medical intervention. Today we call this disease purpura.

Purple is a very dangerous sign,