Impression M. Elastic

Impression materials (I.M.) are special materials used to create copies or impressions of surfaces such as teeth, bones and other objects that can be used for diagnosis, treatment or prosthetics. They can be rigid or elastic, depending on their properties.

Elastic impression materials are O.M., which acquire the property of elasticity after hardening. This allows them to stretch under sudden stress without disturbing the shape of the impression.

Such materials are used in dentistry to create impressions of teeth before installing dentures. They allow you to accurately convey the shape and size of the teeth, which is an important step in the manufacture of dentures.

In addition, elastic impression materials can be used in other areas of medicine, for example to create bone impressions before surgery.

In general, elastic O.M. are an important tool in dentistry and other medical fields, which allows you to create exact copies of surfaces and transfer their shape and size.

Elastic impression is one of the most common methods for making dentures that cannot be made directly from flexible materials. The impression formed in this way is the basis for creating artificial teeth and is used to model a prosthesis.

The elastic impression allows you to create a fast and precise prosthesis that will adapt to