Pemphigus Acantholytic

The skin can be smooth, clean and tender or rough, itchy and bumpy. Most often it depends on the emotional state of a person or the season of the year. It’s rare that someone hasn’t encountered peeling on their elbows, knees, heels or scalp. This condition is called desquamation and for most people it is a physiological phenomenon. Rare skin diseases include pemphigus, an inflammation of the upper layers of the skin, which is accompanied by the formation of blisters and large bumps. One type of this disease is called acantholytic pemphigus, or pemphigus vulgaris. Acantholytic disease is manifested by inflammation of the top layer of skin, which causes severe redness, pronounced itching and rashes on the skin. The bubbles are filled with a clear liquid, which becomes cloudy over time and is no longer visually distinguishable from water. Treatment will depend entirely on the form of the disease, based on symptoms and tests. It is difficult to say whether such inflammation of the skin can cause complications on internal organs. The disease can cause the formation of a malignant tumor. This is not a sentence, but the consequences of long contact with water. In such a situation, the patient is recommended to urgently visit a doctor (dermatologist, oncologist). The first step of treatment will be to stop contact with chemicals; if necessary, the medical staff will issue a sick leave. Next, therapy is prescribed in the form of an antiviral agent, vitamin injections and treatment with healing preparations (ointments, creams). The chronic form often requires surgical intervention. For people who have already experienced the disease, constant medical supervision is recommended. By following the recommendations of a specialist, a person will forget about the disease forever. Only with systematic visits to a dermatologist and receiving competent advice will you overcome the disease.