Piasetsky Method

The Piasecki method or the postage stamp method is an original and effective way to verify the authenticity of coins. The method gets its name from the author Evgeniy Pyasetsky, who used it to determine the authenticity of Russian coins from the Tsarist era. This method is based on the fact that each coin has its own unique design and weight, which allows you to determine the authenticity of the coins quickly and easily.

What is the postage stamp method? Each postage stamp has a unique number, as well as its own design. If you place the coin in a certain position on the postal envelope, its unusual pattern will match the design on the stamp, thereby confirming its authenticity. 5 step method: Step 1: First you need to select the right envelope and postage stamp on it based on the size of the coin. The envelope should be the size of the coin and large enough to allow the coin to fit comfortably inside. The postage stamp must match the type of metal from which the coin is made. - Step 2: The envelope must be placed exactly in the middle on the table. In this case, you need to make sure that the corner with the image of the postage stamp is flush with the edge of the top edge of the envelope. Steps 3-4: Alternately applying the coin to the corner of the envelope, you need to ensure that the patterns on the coin match the pattern of the postage stamp. - Step 5: The last step of the method is to determine the accuracy of the image of the postage stamp on the coin. To ensure the reliability of your findings, you can use a magnifying glass, for example, a tenfold one.