
Pyospermia is a pathological condition that is manifested by the presence of pathogenic microflora in the secretion of the prostate gland. This disease is extremely rare in men of any age, but if treatment is ignored, it can lead to various complications. Statistics show that the peak incidence occurs in the age group of 50 to 60 years.

Pyospermia is a condition in which pus accumulates in the secretions of the spermatic cord. The cause of the phenomenon is some kind of inflammation of the genital organs. In advanced cases, men complain of bleeding, which sometimes has an unusual color, green in many infections. The pathology received this name because of the unique color of the discharge, which is a mixture of sperm and pus.

Inflammation can be caused by a sexually transmitted infection, such as gonorrhea. Also, the cause is often inflammation provoked by the inflammatory process of internal tissues (genital organs). Among the factors contributing to the pathology:

* Hypothermia of the pelvic area; * The ability of a certain number of pathogenic microorganisms to survive even when in contact with antibiotics; * Passive smoking of tobacco and smoking mixtures; * Excessive vulnerability of the body due to HIV infection; * Various genital injuries; * Menopausal atrophy of the reproductive system in men.