Pyr- (Pyr-), Pyro- (Pyro-)

Pyr- (Pyr-), Pyro- (Pyro-) - a prefix meaning:

  1. Fire.

For example, the word "pyrolysis" means the decomposition of organic substances under the influence of high temperatures without access to air.

  1. Burning sensation.

For example, "piretos" - increased sensitivity of the skin to heat.

  1. Increased temperature (fever).

For example, “pyretherapy” is treatment with high temperatures, “pyrometer” is a device for measuring high temperatures.

Thus, the prefix pir-/pyro- indicates a connection with the meanings of fire, heat, high temperature. It is widely used in scientific terminology to form words denoting processes and phenomena associated with the action of fire and heat.

Pyr- (Pyr-), Pyro- (Pyro-) - a prefix meaning:

  1. Fire.
    The prefix pyr- or pyro- comes from the Greek word “pure”, which means “fire”. It is used in scientific terms to indicate an association with fire or combustion. For example: pyrolysis - decomposition of organic substances under the influence of high temperatures without air access.

  2. Burning sensation.
    The prefix is ​​used in medical terms denoting increased sensitivity of the skin and mucous membranes. For example: pyrosis is a skin disease characterized by the appearance of blisters and blisters at the slightest irritation.

  3. Increased temperature (fever).
    The prefix is ​​used to denote pathologically elevated temperature of the body or its parts. For example: pyrexia - febrile state, fever.

Thus, the prefix pyr- or pyro- indicates a connection with fire, combustion, high temperature and their consequences. It is widely used in scientific terminology in various fields.

Pyr- and pyro- are prefixes that are used in chemistry to denote various properties of substances. These prefixes come from the Greek word “pyros”, which means “fire”.

The first prefix pir- means fire. For example, pyrrolles are substances that burn and produce heat. The second prefix pyro- denotes a burning sensation or increased temperature. For example, pyrolytic processes are chemical reactions that are accompanied by the release of heat and the formation of new substances.

In chemistry, pyr- and pyro- are used to denote various processes and properties of substances. They help chemists better understand how chemical reactions occur and what products are produced as a result.