Exercises for scoliosis

Scoliosis - this is a curvature of the spine, which occurs, depending on the degree and type of curvature, individually for each sick person. Therefore, the set of exercises should be individually selected orthopedic surgeon or instructor therapeutic and physical culture (therapeutic therapy). This primarily applies to people with a high degree of disease - 3 and 4. For people with poor posture or a disease of 1-2 degrees, general exercises for scoliosis, aimed at positive effects on the back muscles, are suitable. Daily exercise in adolescence leads to the following results:

  1. Stabilization of the correct position of the spine.
  2. Training and strengthening the internal and external spinal muscles.
  3. Formation of correct posture.
  4. Breathing is evened out and lung function improves, gas exchange is normalized.
  5. The work of the whole body is normalized.

So, let's get down to the exercises themselves. Like everyone else gymnastics, it is advisable to do this training in a ventilated room, spacious and equipped with a large mirror. To perform exercises while lying on the floor, you will need a mat or blanket.

  1. Warm up or unload the spine. In principle, all exercise therapy classes begin with a warm-up. It consists of walking in place or in a circle and warming up muscle tissue:
    1. Arms bent at the elbow joints at shoulder level, we lift our arms up and lower them to the starting position. We perform the exercise for 1 minute or 30-40 approaches.
    2. We perform a stretching exercise: we rise on our toes and pull our hands, clasped together, upward. We perform the exercise for 1 minute.
    3. Starting position – hands on the waist. We press the bent knee to the chest, alternately the right and left. We perform the exercise for 1 minute or 30-40 approaches.
    4. Walking in a half-squat, with your arms spread to the side, palms facing the floor. We perform the exercise for 1 minute.
  2. Spinal extension while lying on your back. This is primarily beneficial for the abdominal muscles. So, let's start this part of the exercise complex:
    1. "scissor legs". We make cross swings with our legs in a horizontal plane, lifting them 5-7 centimeters from the floor. You can lower your arms at your sides, keep them locked behind your head, or stretch them up and repeat movements similar to your legs. We perform the exercise two approaches for 1 minute.
    2. "a ride on the bicycle". Lying on your back, place your hands along your body or behind your head, and with your legs repeat movements similar to those when riding a bicycle. When bending the leg at the knee, two 90-degree angles should form: between the lower leg and the thigh, between the thigh and the torso. When extending the leg, there should be a straight line, lowered to the floor as low as possible. We perform the exercise two approaches for 1 minute.

    Rest between approaches is carried out in the starting position, that is, lying on your back.

  3. Spinal extension while lying on your stomach.
    1. Similar to point 2, we perform “scissors”. Two sets of 1 minute each.
    2. Starting position of the hand behind the head. Raise your shoulders and head as high as possible, lower them after 4-6 seconds. We do not lift our feet off the floor, our toes are extended. We perform 25-30 approaches.
    3. We imitate breaststroke swimming. To do this, from the starting position, arms up, legs together, lift the limbs, leaving the belly as a fulcrum. We carry out movements with our arms and legs. We perform two sets of 1 minute each.

    Rest between sets is carried out in the starting position, that is, lying on your stomach.

  4. Exercise on all fours "kitty". Standing on your hands and feet, we bend your back: up (head goes down) - the cat is angry, down (head and butt up) - the cat is affectionate. We perform 35-40 approaches.
  5. Standing training. The starting position of the legs is at shoulder width, the arms bent at the elbows are pressed to the shoulders and spread to the sides. We carry out rotational movements back and forth. Rotation speed is moderate. We perform the exercise for 1 minute or 30-40 approaches.
  6. We carry out squats with hold correct posture. The best way to monitor this is through a large wall mirror. The initial position is standing, legs brought together, arms held apart to the sides or at the waist, shoulder blades brought together. We rise on our toes, squat, also stand on our toes, and lower ourselves onto our entire foot. Delay in each position is 4-5 seconds. We perform 30-40 approaches. The main thing is to control your straight back.
  7. We carry out the final ones breathing exercises. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart. We raise our arms through the sides as we inhale and stand on our toes; as we exhale, we lower ourselves onto our feet, lower our arms through the sides and shake.
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