Qatar Larynx

Qatar of the larynx

It comes from colds, from working in dust, as well as from excessive strain on the vocal cords of singers, teachers, and speakers.

With catarrh, the larynx swells a little and turns red, there is a tickling in the throat, the voice is hoarse, the cough is dry or hoarse. Under unfavorable conditions, the disease easily becomes chronic and can drag on for years.

If you have catarrh, you should refrain from smoking, cold and hot food and strong drinks, especially from prolonged conversation. In the evening, it is good to take warm foot baths for 15 minutes, and a warm compress on the throat. But if you need to go outside, and even in cold weather, then instead of a compress, it is better to put a dry cloth on your throat at night, well rubbed with plain gray soap, and tie it, and in the morning take it off and tie it with something warm.

It helps to lubricate the throat for three days with a mixture of iodine and glycerin: wrap cotton wool on a stick (the size of a pencil), tie it very tightly so that it does not come off, and with this stick, after soaking the cotton wool in a mixture of iodine and glycerin, lubricate the throat well.