Radius Annular Ligament

Ligament of the Radial Bone Ring (l. annulare radii) is one of the most important ligaments of the forearm, connecting the radius (radius) and ulna (ulna). This ligament has the shape of a ring and is located around the radius in its lower third.

The function of the Radius Annular ligament is to maintain stability of the radius in its position next to the ulna, allowing movement of the forearm. In addition, the annular ligament of the radial bone plays an important role in protecting the radial nerve (n. radialis), which runs inside the ring. Thanks to this ligament, the nerve is protected from damage that may occur during forearm movements.

However, in some cases, the annular ligament of the Radial Bone can cause pain and sensory disturbances in the forearm due to compression of the radial nerve. This condition is called radial annular ligament syndrome (syndroma anulare radii) and can be caused by various factors such as trauma, pinching, inflammation or bone deformation.

To diagnose and treat radial annular ligament syndrome, you must consult a specialist. In some cases, surgery may be required to relieve compression on the nerve and restore its function.

Thus, the annular ligament of the Radius is an important element of the anatomy of the forearm, providing its movement and protecting the nerve of the radius. However, if there is a malfunction of this ligament, pain and sensory disturbances in the forearm may occur, requiring specialized treatment.