
Ramisection (ramisectio) is a surgical operation that involves resection (removal) of a part of a branch of bone or cartilage that causes compression (squeezing) or compression of surrounding tissues. Ramisections are used in various fields of medicine, including orthopedics, traumatology, neurosurgery and plastic surgery.

In orthopedic surgery, ramisections are used to treat diseases and injuries of bones and joints. For example, in bone fractures where part of the bone is damaged but not completely torn off, a ramisection may be performed to restore the integrity of the bone and prevent deformation. Ramisections can also be used to eliminate compression of nerves and vessels that are compressed by bone fragments.

Ramisections in traumatology are used to treat injuries to muscles and tendons. This involves resection of part of the damaged muscle or tendon, which allows you to restore their function and prevent the development of complications.

Neurosurgical ramisections are performed to remove tumors and cysts that cause compression of nerves and blood vessels. In this case, part of the tumor or cyst is removed, which eliminates the compression and restores normal function of the nerve or vessel.

Plastic surgical ramisections are also widely used. They help correct skin imperfections caused by scars, scars or tumors by removing some of the scar tissue and replacing it with healthy skin.

It is important to note that ramisections should only be performed by experienced surgeons who are highly qualified and experienced in performing such operations. This is because removing part of the bone or cartilage can lead to serious complications such as bleeding, infection, damage to surrounding tissue, etc. Therefore, before performing ramisection, it is necessary to conduct a thorough diagnosis and surgical planning, as well as ensure proper postoperative care.


**Ramisection** is a surgical operation that is used for the treatment and prevention of thyroid diseases. It is performed through a small incision in the skin and involves removing part or all of the thyroid organ, depending on the patient's condition. Ramisection is often performed to treat benign diseases,