Finsen retractor

The Finesan retractor is a surgical instrument that is used to widen a wound. It is named after its creator, the Danish surgeon Georg Saxony Finesana. The device consists of metal tongs with sharp teeth at the ends.

The main function of the Finesan wound retractor is to hold the edges of the wound open and prevent them from closing during surgery. This is especially important in cases where access to deep tissue or blood vessels is required. The forceps are positioned on either side of the wound so that they grasp the edges of the skin at each end. Then the expansion process begins, moving the retractor using a special handle from the center of the wound outward. This process continues until the edges are as open as possible and the surgeon can carry out the necessary manipulations inside the wound.

The Fisen wound retractor is intended for use in surgical settings. Surgeons learn to use it during university medical surgery courses and advanced training exercises. In addition to the classic wound retractor, the Harald retractor can be used, which allows you to expand wider wounds.