Rasp sign

Rasp's sign: a rough peritoneal friction rub indicating tuberculous mesadenitis

In medical practice, there are many methods for determining various diseases. One such method is auscultation, or listening, of internal organs using a stethoscope. Auscultation allows doctors to identify various sounds that may indicate the presence of certain pathologies.

One of the interesting clinical signs revealed by auscultation of the peritoneum is the Rasp sign. This symptom is characterized by a rough friction noise that occurs when the intestinal loops move towards each other or towards the surface of the peritoneum. It is usually observed with tuberculous mesadenitis, an inflammatory process affecting the lymph nodes of the abdominal cavity.

Tuberculous mesadenitis is one of the manifestations of the extrapulmonary form of tuberculosis, in which the lymph nodes of the abdominal cavity become inflamed and enlarged. This disease often occurs in children and adolescents and in people with weakened immune systems.

When auscultating the abdomen of a patient with tuberculous mesadenitis, the doctor may hear a characteristic rough friction noise, which usually manifests itself in the form of a grinding or rustling sound. This sound occurs due to the friction of the inflamed lymph nodes and surrounding tissues during the movement of intestinal loops. The friction noise may be variable and depends on the patient's position, the degree of lymph node involvement, and the degree of inflammation.

However, it should be noted that the Rasp symptom is not specific only for tuberculous mesadenitis. Similar friction sounds can occur with other diseases, such as peritonitis, abdominal tumors or other inflammatory processes. Therefore, to establish an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination of the patient, including a clinical examination, laboratory and instrumental studies.

In conclusion, the Rasp sign is a rough peritoneal friction rub that can be detected by auscultation of the patient's abdomen. This symptom is often associated with tuberculous mesadenitis, but can also be observed with other diseases of the abdominal cavity. To establish an accurate diagnosis, additional research is necessary. If a Rasp sign is detected, it is important to contact a qualified healthcare provider for further evaluation and treatment. Early detection and diagnosis of abdominal pathological conditions are key to effective treatment and prevention of complications.

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Rashpild's symptom is one of the auscultatory signs of tuberculosis lesions of the abdominal cavity. It is characterized by the appearance of peritoneal friction noise in tuberculous mesadenitis or stomach tumors. In this article we will take a detailed look at the Rasp symptom, its etiology, clinical