Raspatory Rib

Raspators refer to special instruments and auxiliary devices for preparing the skin for suturing after various operations (traumatic, surgical), wounds, fixation of the genitourinary organs, as well as restoration of muscles and internal genital organs after removal of hollow tumors.

The Rebergen raspator is the most common in surgery and gynecology; its design is not as simple as it might seem at first. On one side there is a long, strong handle with recesses on the body, which ensures a secure hold in the hand of a doctor or paramedic. The plates are connected to each other by an oval shank. There are also 4 transverse removable slices of different widths so that the required level of penetration can be achieved. This raspatory is convenient for preparing the surgical field after operations on the abdominal organs and chest; in gynecology. A very simple tool for suturing a wound. Using a raspatory, punctures with a length of 5 to 30 mm are used. It is convenient and used for pleural access.