
Expander is a surgical instrument that is used to expand the edges of wounds, cavities or canals, as well as to push aside organs and tissues. Extenders include bougies, mirrors, hooks and other tools.

Bougies are cylindrical tubes that are used to widen narrow channels or cavities. They can be made of metal, plastic or rubber. Bougies can come in a variety of sizes and shapes to accommodate different sizes of canals and cavities.

Mirrors are instruments that are used to visually monitor the condition of internal organs. They can come in different shapes and sizes to provide maximum access to the internal organs. Mirrors can be either one-way or two-way.

Hooks are instruments used to dislodge tissue and organs. They are shaped like a hook that allows you to grab and push back tissue. Hooks can be of different sizes and shapes to suit different tissues and organs.

In addition, there are retractors that allow you to widen the edges of wounds. They are usually cone-shaped and can be made of various materials such as metal, plastic or rubber. These retractors are used to widen the edges of the wound and provide better access to the internal tissues.

Overall, retractors are important tools in surgery that help improve access to internal structures and provide more effective treatment.

A retractor is a surgical instrument in the class of retractors, used to widen and widen the edges and surfaces of wounds, as well as internal cavities or canals, and can be used to retract organs or tissues to provide optimal access. Retractors are usually made of metal, come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and can be attached to a variety of surgical instruments using handles or handles.

One of the most common types of expanders are expanders, which are grooved rods of varying lengths and diameters, curved or straight.