Relaxation of gums

When it is insignificant, it is enough to rinse your mouth with water in which astringent medicines have been boiled, hot or cold, depending on the nature of the gums; One of the very useful remedies for this is alum boiled in vinegar. If the relaxation is great, then it would be correct to cut the gum and let the blood flow, removing what flows out, and then, after that, rinse the mouth with a decoction of astringents in the manner mentioned above. Here is a decoction suitable for this: take crushed tamarisk fruits three dirhams, henna leaves two dirhams, aristolochia one dirham, heat the decoction made from all this and use. Or take pomegranate flowers and pomegranate peels for six dirhams, both arsenic and Yemenite alum for three, roses and Baghdad sumac for eight, fragrant sumbul and fragrant rush flowers for ten dirhams; from all this a sticky thick ointment is made. Bleeding from chahar raga also helps against this disease.

Description of the medicine for gluing, suitable in this case and used after rinsing the mouth: roses together with cups and pepper seven dirhams each, acorn skin, pomegranate flowers, green miter seeds four each, Nabatean horns, peeled sumac and armak five; or instead of armak, myrtle, eight dirhams. Sometimes it is useful to lubricate the palate with iyaraj, rinse the mouth with an infusion of sea onions in vinegar and use strong tooth powders.