Brine Waters

Good afternoon friends! Today I want to talk to you about an unusual, but very important and relevant topic today - brine waters.

Brine waters are the same liquid found in brines. It is a liquid from the soil rich in nutrients, minerals and organic compounds. Brine waters are formed as a result of a complex process of interaction between microbes, phytoplankton and other fauna in the water space. However, despite its important contribution to the aquatic ecosystem, brine waters face serious threats. Firstly, they become unsuitable for drinking purposes. The reason for this is poisoning of the human body not only with nitrates and hydrogen sulfide, which are also present in the brine, but also with chemical compounds and petroleum products. An important aspect is that brine water must be cleared of contaminants. A person needs to avoid polluting water sources, as this leads to the spread of various diseases. Ultimately, the brine is very dangerous and should never enter the human body. In this regard, the question arises about how such hazardous substances can be used for industrial purposes, and whether brine water is used in everyday life.