Joints Intercarpal

The joints of the intercarpal phalanges are one of the many joints of the hand. Below is their position in the skeleton of the hand.


* The joint connecting the wrists is called the carpal joint - carpale articulatio * The five bones of the wrist - the bones of the metacarpus - form the metacarpus or palm

The carpal joint is formed by articulations (articulata) of two pairs of carpal bones located in the metaphysis - the scaphoid (os scaphoideum) and three bones - the lunate (ossa lunata). The scaphoid bone is movably connected to the triangular bone - three sides are facing anteriorly, and from below it is inclined downwards and rests below on the head of the radius (caput radius). The lower surface of the scaphoid (facies articularis inferior) is covered with massive cartilage and forms an articular surface for connection with the radius, which has a saddle-shaped (semilunare) shape. *In a man, this surface makes up approximately 44% of the area of ​​the interphalangeal joints of the metacarpal bone.* The triangular bone is surrounded by a flat bone - the trapezoid bone (scapula), which articulates with the pisiform bone. They form the flat joint (articulatio cotylica) of the pisiform bone.

The lower surface of the last shank of the talar (os talarium) bone is fused with the posterior surface of the latin bone, and they act as an articular surface for the connection of the talar-scaphoid joint. 3 thin bones - half lunate, lunate and two and a half lunate are superficial concave surfaces and are covered with numerous elastic nerve endings, through which a thick bundle of the muscular-nervous sac and outgoing nerves pass. The bursa (spatium suspensoria) is bounded laterally by a thick fibrous membrane covering the outside. Attached to the skin and finger pulps. The last fibrous bony spine of the crescent delineates the lateral convexity, the superior and inferior hemispherical opening for the passage of lymphatic vessels. The central bony notch is an acupuncture node on the meridian of the stomach and lower limb. The main simplex includes the tendons of the muscles of the thumb, thumb and thumb. The middle part of the syndesmosis is formed by the epiphyseal region and the upper wall of the lower scaffold. The lower parts of the middle third of the sinus represent the articular capsule in the scaphoid ligament, the inner