Imagination disorder

Its causes and symptoms are exactly the same as those described in other paragraphs, but this disorder affects the front part of the brain. It consists in the fact that a person either imagines to himself what does not exist and sees non-existent things - this occurs due to the predominance of bile in the front part of the brain or due to the predominance of a hot disorder of nature without matter - or the imagination becomes insufficient. Then a person cannot imagine what can be imagined, dreams only occasionally and forgets them, does not remember what the images of perceived things are and does not imagine them. The reason for this is the same as for memory deficiency, but memory disorder in most cases arises from cold and moisture and only rarely from dryness, but here the situation is the other way around. Further, since this organ-instrument was created soft so that what it imagines would be imprinted quickly, and the other was created hard so that it would be more difficult to free itself from what is imprinted in it, then the opposite happens here.

Disorder of memory refers to the essence of sensed things and is associated with their combination, while disorder of imagination refers to the image and outline of these things, and the knowledge of this is the province of another art. The surest indicator of whether a disease arises from moisture or from dryness is the quality of sleep and insomnia, the dry or moist condition of the eyes and nose, the condition of the tongue in relation to its color, moisture and dryness. When the disease consists of a disorder of the imagination, and not a deficiency of it, you can also discern whether it comes from black bile or yellow bile, or from a simple hot nature, from what has already been said and explained. As for the treatment of this disease, it corresponds to the treatment of the diseases listed earlier, but should be aimed at the sources of sensation. If there is a need to rub your head or place cups on the area of ​​the anterior lobe of the brain, then do it the way you already know.