Detailed description of signs

Sometimes this is accompanied by darkening in the eyes and a veil, in the absence of sparks, bitterness in the mouth and twitching of the lower lip. The appearance of pain in the mouth of the stomach or nausea, or salivation, as well as interruptions, compression and depression of the pulse confirm this prediction, especially if the patient is struck by chills and coldness in the hypochondrium area after all this. Consider then that the crisis will be expressed in vomiting, especially if the matter is yellow gall and the fever is also yellow gall, not one of the burning ones, and besides, the patient’s face turns yellow and his color turns pale. Often vomiting, which occurs after heaviness in the head and pain in the stomach, entails spasms in children due to the weakness of their nerves, and in women, due to the predisposition of the uterus to this, it causes pain in the uterus. In old people, due to the weakness of their strength, vomiting causes various diseases, since moving matter spreads freely in their body.

Often the above symptoms are accompanied by tension without pain in the region of the liver and spleen, for the spleen also communicates with the upper organs through the vessels passing near the region of the nose and its veins, although it is not connected to them. At the same time, the patient sees red threads, sparkles and sparks before his eyes and his face, eyes, nose or one side of the nose become very red, tears suddenly begin to flow, the pulse rises and worries, giving rapid expansion, the nose itches, the head burns very strongly and begins throbbing headache. In this case, expect bleeding from the nose, especially if the disease, the patient’s age, his habits and other signs indicate that the matter is bloody. However, yellow gall matter sometimes gives rise to a crisis through nosebleeds. It is heralded by sparks and ghosts appearing before the eyes in the form of yellow, fiery threads, and most often this happens with burning yellow gall fevers. Sometimes the appearance of rays or itching in the nose on one side or the other indicates that blood will come from the right nostril or from the left nostril, or from both nostrils at once; Often these signs are reinforced by the cold that grips the patient on the day of the crisis, as well as dryness of the abdomen and skin, and sometimes the age of the patient serves as an indication; the fact is that nosebleeds, when they occur, most often occur in people under thirty years of age. These instructions are sometimes reinforced by a headache, which intensifies greatly, more than is required by the occurrence of vomiting, as well as other pains, burning and exacerbation of fever. Other symptoms are good and are not signs of imminent death.