Crushed Drop

The crushed drop is a preparation for vital microscopy, which is used to study living microorganisms. It is a drop of a suspension of microorganisms, which is placed between a slide and a cover glass. This method allows you to study the viability and behavior of microorganisms in the environment, as well as analyze their properties and characteristics.

The crushed drop is a simple and convenient method for studying various microorganisms. It allows you to observe their growth, reproduction and reaction to various environmental factors, such as temperature, humidity, light, etc.

This method is widely used in various fields of science, such as biology, medicine, ecology and others. It helps scientists better understand the processes occurring in nature and in the human body.

In addition, the crushed drop can be used to create new drugs and medicines. For example, scientists can use this method to create antibiotics that are more effective and resistant to various environmental factors.

Overall, the crushed droplet is an important tool for studying microorganisms and other living organisms. It provides information about their behavior and properties, which helps scientists better understand the world around us and create new technologies and medicines.

“Crushed drop” is a preparation used for vital microscopy of microorganisms. It is prepared by placing a drop of a suspension of microorganisms between two flat glass surfaces - a slide (bottom) and a cover glass (top) - to thoroughly stain the cell and study its structure. Also