Extensor Big Toe Short

The extensor hallucis brevis is a small muscle in the foot that is responsible for extending the big toe. This muscle is located on the back of the foot, next to other muscles such as the digital extensors and digital flexors.

The function of the extensor hallucis shortis is to help the big toe extend when walking or running. When the muscle contracts, the big toe begins to lift upward, which allows the foot to move forward and avoid colliding with obstacles.

The extensor hallucis brevis is an important muscle for normal foot function and can be damaged by injury or disease. For example, if this muscle is damaged, it can cause foot pain and difficulty walking.

Various methods such as physical therapy, massage and injections can be used to treat damage to this muscle. It is also important to monitor your foot health and avoid future injuries.

The extensor pollicis (little toe) and shorter extensor muscles are also called extensor hallucis and are part of the lower leg of animals, especially humans. A person has two extensor muscles in each toe. One is long and, interestingly, is called the extensor pollicis, and the second is short and is called the extensor pollicis. They extend from the base of the finger bones, but do not join together as one long muscle like some other human muscles.