Child Development From 1 Year to 3 Years

Early childhood, from one to three years, is a key period in a child's life. It is during this period that the active development of the psyche and the formation of basic life skills occur.

One of the main achievements at this age is upright walking. This is an important step in the physical and mental development of the child. Walking upright gives the baby the opportunity to see more and receive more information about the world around him. He begins to navigate in space, distinguish between right and left, and determine the location of objects. In addition, upright walking helps develop the child's intellectual abilities.

Speech communication also plays an important role in a child's development. The child begins to gradually master the language, learn to speak and understand the speech of others. Speech development at this age is associated with brain development and learning abilities. Therefore, it is important to communicate with your child, read books to him, sing songs and play games to develop his speech skills.

Subject activity is also an important element of child development. The child begins to learn about the world through playing with objects. He learns to understand how objects work and what can be done with them. This helps develop creativity and imagination.

However, in addition to providing opportunities for development, it is necessary to take into account other aspects that may influence the mental development of the child. It is important to create a friendly environment and communicate with the child sincerely and with love. This helps to develop a child’s sense of trust in the world and does not prevent him from opening the doors of the land of knowledge.

It is also necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the child. Each child is unique and develops at their own pace. It is important not to compare your child with other children and not to set excessively high expectations for him. You need to respect his individuality and help him develop at his own pace.

In conclusion, early childhood, from one to three years of age, is a key period in a child's life. At this age, active development of the psyche and the formation of basic life skills occur. It is important to help the child develop by providing him with opportunities for upright walking, verbal communication and object-related activities, as well as creating a friendly environment and taking into account the child’s individual characteristics. This period is the foundation for the child’s further development, so it is important to give him enough attention and care.