Turmeric Long, Or Yellow Ginger

Turmeric, also known as yellow ginger, is a plant of the ginger family (Zingiberaceae). Its rhizome is used in medicine and cooking. The pharmaceutical name for turmeric rhizome is Curcumae longae rhizoma (formerly: Rhizoma Curcumae longae).

According to the botanical description, the East Indies, the territory of India and some other countries of South and Southeast Asia should be considered the birthplace of turmeric. The plant has a height of about 1 m. A bunch of leaves and a shoot, bearing a long, up to 20 cm, inflorescence, extend from the rhizome. Long roots originate from it, on which tuberous thickenings appear.

Turmeric contains essential oil, bitterness, curcumin (yellow coloring matter), starch and other active ingredients. The yellow dye curcumin helps empty the gallbladder, and the essential oil increases the formation of bile in the liver. Based on this, turmeric should be used for those diseases of the gastrointestinal tract that are caused by decreased bile secretion.

Official medicine uses turmeric very little. Turmeric tea is not consumed at all; only powder from the rhizome is taken in a dosage of 0.5 to 1.0 g per dose. The German National Health Service testifies to the anti-inflammatory, choleretic and bile-boosting effects of turmeric rhizome in the liver. The homeopathic medicine Curcuma is given to stimulate the formation of bile in a dilution D1-D1 no 5 drops 3-5 times a day.

Turmeric is not listed as a pure seasoning, but it plays a significant role in mixtures, as it has a very beneficial effect on digestion. The most important of these mixtures is curry; it is also found in Worcestershire sauce. I recommend adding turmeric as a standalone seasoning, for example, to boiled eggs and to a variety of sauces containing eggs, salad dressings for crab, oysters, snails and lobster. In this case, overdose should be avoided, as with all plants containing essential oils.

Despite the small use of turmeric in official medicine, its effect on digestion and bile secretion is very beneficial. Adding turmeric to food can improve not only the taste of the dish, but also its digestive properties. Additionally, turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties that can help fight various diseases.

Overall, turmeric is a healthy and tasty food that can be added to a variety of foods and drinks. However, as with any other product, you need to monitor its use and not abuse it. If you have any medical problems or allergies to turmeric, be sure to consult your doctor before consuming it.