Third Week of Classes Monday


You have completed two weeks of exercise. Some of you have achieved more noticeable results, others have achieved less. It depends on how diligent you are and what shape you were in when you started. There are many people whose changes for the better have already been noticed, and they receive compliments on their beautiful figure. Some can achieve tangible results only after completing the entire set of exercises. One thing is obvious - you are on the path to beauty and health.

Almost all of our patients claimed that after two weeks of classes their posture significantly improved, their arms became more flexible, the fat folds on their hips decreased, their gait became elastic and beautiful, their legs got less tired, even after a whole day in heels. This is natural. It has been noticed that the most rapid growth in muscle volume usually occurs in the first month of training. This, of course, depends on your body type, your initial weight, the amount of hormones entering your bloodstream, and your training system. It is easier to reduce body fat and achieve flexibility and beauty by training muscles for women who have a normal and, especially, a large-boned body type. When performing exercises, focus on the muscles being trained.

I want to warn those who, wanting to achieve quick results, are trying to load themselves as much as possible. Remember that heavy exercise, after which you feel tired and exhausted, does not so much benefit as harm your body. Try to make your workouts bring you joy and lift your spirits. Don’t forget to do gymnastics for your facial muscles before or after each set of exercises.

When performing a set of exercises in the third week, follow the same recommendations as given earlier.

Exercise 1. I. p. - basic stance. On the count of 1, squeeze your fingers so that they touch the base of your palm, and on count 2, straighten your fingers into a fan. Perform the exercise 10-12 times.

Exercise 2. I. p. - sitting or standing, interlock your fingers. On count 1, squeeze your fingers with maximum tension, and on count 2, slowly straighten and extend your fingers. Relax your muscles, shake your hands. Repeat the exercise 10-12 times.

Exercise 3. I. p. - sitting, hands on the belt. On the count of 1, move the pelvis to the left, 2 - move the pelvis to the right, 3 - return to i. n. Make sure that your heels do not rise and do not tilt your torso. Do the exercise first at a slow pace, and then at a fast pace. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Exercise 4. I. p. - sitting position, legs bent, pelvis raised. On the count of 1, rotate your pelvis to the left, lowering your hips to the floor, and on count 2, return to i. p., 3 - turn your pelvis to the right, lowering your hips to the floor, 4 - return to i. n. Repeat 8 times.

Do the same exercise, making it a little more difficult. Sitting with straight legs: bending the right, touch the knee to the floor behind the left (right toe at the level of the left knee). The same from a supine position (do not raise your shoulders from the floor). Repeat each exercise 5-6 times.

Exercise 5. I. p. - lying on your back, arms to the sides, legs bent and raised. On the count of 1, make a horizontal circle with your knees to the right, 2 - to the left, 3 - return to i. p. In the same way, make a figure eight with your knees, starting left and down; When moving downwards, slightly straighten your legs at the hip joints.

Now make it a little more complicated. Do the exercise in a sitting position. The same with straight legs. Do the same by bending and unbending your legs at the floor.

Exercise 6. I. p. - standing, legs apart, arms to the sides. On the count of 1, make a circle with your pelvis in a horizontal plane to the right, 2 - make a circle to the left, 3 - return to i. P.

Exercise 7. I. p. - sitting on a chair, holding a ball in your hands. Secure your legs, raise your arms. On count 1, lean back, touch the ball to the floor, 2 - return to i. n. Repeat the exercise 8-10 times.

Exercise 8 (Fig. 23). I. p. - kneeling, hands down. On a count of 1-2, slowly lean back without bending