Reaction Primitive

The concept of the “primitive response” or “explosive Kretschmer response,” first introduced in the personality description of Karl Kretschmer, has a long history in medical science and refers to a type of emotional and behavioral response to stress or anxiety. In clinical practice, this reaction is often associated with states of hyperactivity, chronic pain and nervous hyperexcitability. The definition of the concept of “primitive reaction” is quite problematic both due to the lack of clear criteria and interdisciplinary disagreements in relation to it. The scientific community doubts the validity of the term denoting the subjective perception of stressful situations. According to modern concepts, the response to an alarming stimulus is determined by the interaction of endocrine-neurotransmitter, cognitive and social factors. An important circumstance contributing to the emergence of a primitive reaction may be the individual’s insufficient involvement in the sphere of professional activity, limited space for interaction and increased emotional sensitivity to surrounding stimuli.

The concept of “primitiveness” covers such concepts as “lack of integration”, “immaturity”, which can be expressed in the underdevelopment of cognitive-regulatory processes and insufficient ability to actively adapt. On the other hand, the concept of “primitive” is intuitively associated with basic instincts. This duality has obvious contradictions in the meaning of both terms, which makes it impossible to correctly apply them in clinical trials.

The key element of the “primitive reaction” is considered to be dependence on external stimuli. The primary emotion is fear, accompanied by hypokinesia and muscle tension. A person is unable to resolve a conflict situation associated with anxiety and stress

What is a “primitive reaction” or “primitive reaction”? The reaction of primitivism or primitive reaction is a pathology of human thinking processes, which manifests itself in a disharmonious perception of the surrounding world. This type of perception can occur in both children and adults. In psychology, the reaction to primitiveness is interpreted as a child’s model of thinking, that is, a simplified view of the world.

This model is primitive because it is based on the search for answers in the literal sense; as a result of one’s actions and/or conversation, a person gives answers without paying attention to goals and situations. It is enough for him to touch something small, and the response to his action will become quite quick and simple.

However, it should be noted that such a reaction is not a sign of a lack of intelligence. In people prone to childish reactions, these qualities are often present in greater quantities than in others. Of course, this does not relieve the responsibility for controlling your own thoughts.

As a social adaptation, a primitive reaction makes sense if it is observed in response to a threat to life or a person develops a nervous system from primitive structures. Most often, this behavior is typical for children of the same age. Any scandal or conflict can occur between a child and an adult who has already learned and understood generally accepted rules and norms of behavior.