Receptors Auditory

The human auditory system provides the ability to sense and analyze sound signals. It allows a person to perceive information from the surrounding world and interact with it. Each of the hearing organs performs its unique functions using its own form of receptors. The auditory system is believed to be one of the most complex systems in the body, capable of recognizing many sounds from the surrounding world.

Function Hearing receptors provide the function of perceiving pitch, localizing sound, perceiving the shape of sounds, as well as sensing the sensation of movement under the influence of sound waves. Hearing receptors ensure the encoding of vibrational information that they perceive in the form of acoustic signals. * Photoreceptors are responsible for how we can see. They are responsible for our ability to recognize and obtain information about our environment. Thanks to photoreceptors, we can distinguish colors and identify the faces of other people. * In the sensory system, nerve fibers connect cells to each other. Signals are transmitted from one end to another.