Speech Rhymed

Speech that rhymes is a speech disorder
Which is often observed in psychiatry.

At the same time, the patient constantly rhymes words,
Without paying attention to the meaning and meanings.

This phenomenon is associated with manic states,
When the patient's thoughts are chaotic and contradictory.

And also with catatonia, speech occurs in rhyme,
When the patient is closed in on himself and detached from reality.

Logic and coherence of speech are lost in rhymes,
But for the patient it seems quite natural.

This disorder requires the attention of psychiatrists,
To understand the causes and choose the right treatment.

In general, rhyming speech is a rare phenomenon,
But it indicates serious mental problems.

Rhyming speech is a speech disorder that is characterized by the presence of rhyming words in spoken or written speech. With this disorder, a person may inappropriately use rhymes that have nothing to do with the meaning of words. Rhyming speech is usually observed in people with a high level of emotionality. In particular, this disorder is characteristic of patients with manic mood and catatonic syndrome. Thus, rhyming speech can be both hereditary and acquired. However, the reasons are not fully understood. All patients suffering from this disorder can speak poetry in rhyme. Unfortunately, often the rhyming nature of speech is perceived as something pleasant and comical, but for such people, rhyming speech is a real nightmare. They cannot convey their thoughts and feelings in words, but are forced to construct absurd sentences, often losing their general meaning and filled with filler words. Only a few are able to lead a creative life and engage in sports or other active sports. However, this problem can be dealt with and doctors have already developed treatment methods.