Superior calcaneonavicular ligament

The calcaneonavicular superior ligament (calcaneoscaphoideum superius) is one of the most important ligaments in the foot. It connects the heel bone and navicular bone, providing stability and protection to the joint.

This ligament consists of three bundles of fibers: medial, lateral and posterior. The medial bundle runs from the medial side of the calcaneus to the scaphoid, and the lateral bundle runs from the lateral side of the calcaneus. The posterior bundle runs posterior to the calcaneus and is attached to the scaphoidocuboid ligament.

The calcaneonavicular ligament provides stability to the foot and prevents hyperextension. When this ligament ruptures, it can cause pain and swelling in the foot area, as well as limited mobility.

To avoid rupture of the superior calcaneonavicular ligament, it is necessary to choose the right shoes and follow safety rules when playing sports or working. It is also important to have regular physical examinations to identify any possible foot problems.

Superior calcaneo-scaphoid ligament (in Latin lumbalgia - lumbago, inflammation of the sciatic nerve, piriformis syndrome, osteochondrosis and other funny things that are widely and truthfully written about. Designated as "superior calcaneo-scaphoid ligament"

Leather, has a triangular shape and connects the heel bone, navicular and talus bones of the foot. Located along the popliteus muscle.

It is most often damaged by a sharp turn of the foot, falling on the heels, or twisting the leg. It could also be an accidental injury. Any damage to the ligaments is not terrible, but the whole point is their ability to regenerate. In adults and older people, ligaments do not recover after rupture. The deformation remains forever.

But there is good news! After surgery, your joints and ligaments will most likely recover completely. and sports, yoga and moderate activity will help reduce the risk of re-injury and relapse. But the most important thing is to contact a specialist as early as possible. The doctor will conduct an examination and prescribe the treatment your body needs. And most likely this will not only be treatment with medications and pills. These can also be injections, ointments, bandages, elastic bandages, etc. All these therapeutic measures will be prescribed by your attending physician. They are carried out at home or in a hospital, and are around the clock until the ligaments are completely restored.

Take care of your health and be healthy!