Reclus Woody Cellulitis

Reclus wood cellulitis is an acute purulent infection that is characterized by severe swelling and tenderness in the area of ​​a limb or joint. This disease can develop due to a bacterial or fungal infection that damages soft tissue and affects blood vessels.

Causes of infection may include trauma, surgery, the use of insufficient sterile equipment, and skin trauma that can be caused by poor hygiene during use.

Reclus woody cellulitis is a disease that occurs in many animals and humans. This is a purulent-necrotic lesion of the skin in the area of ​​the interdigital fold that stands out above the hoof.

Causes of the disease: Hypothermia of the animal’s body, both in winter and in summer; Chronic inflammatory diseases of the skin and veins; Violation of tissue trophism; Existing wounds; Frostbite. Symptoms of the disease: The disease begins imperceptibly - a small seal appears between the toes on the limbs of sheep. Then this fold swells and turns red. Over time, inflammation affects larger areas, and areas of phlegmon or necrosis appear. These pathological lesions are pitted with ulcers, bleed, the fingers are not fused together correctly or, on the contrary, are too far apart, the limbs do not bend - the animal becomes practically a “dead” thing. In sick animals, their body temperature rises, they lose their appetite, and exhaustion occurs. Neglected cases end in death.

Reclus phlegmon wood With all the variety of injuries (including traumatic ones) encountered in athletes and people involved in various sports, most often traumatic injuries are localized in the area of ​​soft tissues and bones. Traumatic lesions of the skeletal system include fractures, dislocations, and subluxations.\nThe joints involved in active movements are most often damaged. The wrist extensors have great clinical significance in the treatment of injuries due to the formation of hematomas and tendon wounds that occur with frequent impact (supination, pronation). All musculoskeletal injuries can be the result of a direct blow (counter-impact), an indirect blow, or an unstable surface (fall). ). However, all injuries can be divided into direct and indirect (impactor). As a result of the blow, the limb is struck along a straight trajectory or an impact occurs with the lateral surface.\nInjuries due to contusions occur as a result of a direct blow, which is characterized by the direction of the damage axis parallel to the bisector of the angle between the normal to the skin and the direction of separation of the segments from the bone. Contusion usually occurs in cases where displacement of bone fragments during injury occurs along the normal axis of the limbs.\nIt should be noted that pathological changes that occur in the area of ​​injury occur not only